Posts tagged struggle
well into my 13th year

I enjoyed changing how I felt and I liked feeling good. To get back to the statement at the top of the paragraph, the effects that my alcoholism were taking me down slowly, quietly and subtly. Like a thief in the night that came back over and over again, but only taking little things so you don’t notice until everything is almost completely gone. Hence, you don’t realize you have a problem until you do. Until it’s almost too late. In many cases, for some, it is too late.

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I Mo', Bro

A lot of time we come to a pivot point in life where we can continue to stand on the sideline and let shit just happen to us, or we say to ourselves "enough of this shit, I have to do something."  That happened for me a few years ago.  I don't know what clicked inside of me, but something did and I decided to get involved. 

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