evolution & podcasting

You may have noticed that the vlog posts have slowed down and the podcast has become stagnant and also that I haven’t written a blog post in quite some time. Well, from time to time you have to go into hibernation for a bit so you can be ready for what lies ahead. Ok, that sounds weird…but I think you get the point. Just like the caterpillar cocoons and comes out a beautiful butterfly I have to keep changing and growing what it is that I’m doing. It is this continuous evolution that something great happens.

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Matthew HewittComment
well into my 13th year

I enjoyed changing how I felt and I liked feeling good. To get back to the statement at the top of the paragraph, the effects that my alcoholism were taking me down slowly, quietly and subtly. Like a thief in the night that came back over and over again, but only taking little things so you don’t notice until everything is almost completely gone. Hence, you don’t realize you have a problem until you do. Until it’s almost too late. In many cases, for some, it is too late.

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home improvement

Lucky for me my neighbor, John, is like Spicoli’s dad, “he’s got the ultimate set of tools.” Not only that he’s a fucking Swiss Army knife of knowledge and know how. Since I had no clue as to what I was getting myself into I enlisted his help in troubleshooting what I needed to do and get to undertake this project. If it wasn’t for him I’d either still be working mixing concrete or I’d have ran full speed into oncoming traffic.

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Matthew Hewitt Comment
summer daze

I don’t know if you’re like this? But what inevitably happens with me is that I start something for fun and then I see that it could potentially lead to something more…life changing even. Then I start to get overwhelmed by the pressure I place on myself to make it perfect and totally forget that I started it(whatever project) for fun and as an additional creative outlet. So on and so on until it just becomes another thing. Does that ever happen to you? I can’t believe that I’m the only one that does that. In any case, being able to take a step back and enjoy the summer has been wonderful.

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it's quite funny, really

I do that sometimes and I know other people do that too, but why? We don’t take the time to support our friends, yet w’ll spend countless hours watching cat videos or people eating Tide pods. Funny in the sad ironic sort of way. Perhaps I’m using humor and sarcasm to hide the fact that I really desire the support of my friends. I’m not quite sure.

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the american food project

With the amount of undocumented workers in the restaurant industry and our country as a whole, where does all the fucking money go? Bottom line is, if you get a paycheck taxes are being deducted. Wouldn’t you think in some areas, we would have a or should have a surplus of funds? That’s a conundrum that I don’t know, unless I got into politics, that I’ll ever solve. I digress…

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Cooking, Craft Or Art?

Cooking is both an art and a craft. Right? What I’ve found is that a craftsman can become or is usually the better artist anyway. Huh? Well, if you think about it, it’s really quite simple. If you work at perfecting your craft be it cooking or(insert what ever cheesy cliche you’d like here) underwater basket weaving.

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Matthew HewittComment
the learning curve

Turns out starting the podcast was a really good decision because it set me on a new path. Since starting the podcast I’ve started a blog, vlog and created a website. I’ve pushed beyond my comfort zone in reaching out to people to interview and had many more creative ideas pop up as a result.

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Matthew Hewitt

It’s almost like having the ultimate multi-tool in your back pocket. Each of the friends with their own area of expertise or own special ability to listen and relate on varying levels. What a deal, I feel like a pretty lucky dude!

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Matthew Hewitt
Another Trip Around the Sun

For as many successes it felt like 2018 had, it almost feels like the mistakes, failures and setbacks were more.  Or perhaps it's just the perception that I have that made those "learning experiences," more overwhelming.  Perhaps the perceived and/or realized hurt from my failures is greater than the sum of good feeling I received from the successes.

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I Am Enough, Right?

Maybe my subconscious mind is trying to tell me something.  If it is, then it sure has a strange way of conveying the message.  Why do I dream of being something that I'm not, nor will ever be?  Is it that I feel that inadequate as a father, husband and man that my subconscious gives me what I think I need?  Or is it trying to tell me to stop being dissatisfied with who I am?

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I Mo', Bro

A lot of time we come to a pivot point in life where we can continue to stand on the sideline and let shit just happen to us, or we say to ourselves "enough of this shit, I have to do something."  That happened for me a few years ago.  I don't know what clicked inside of me, but something did and I decided to get involved. 

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A Chef's Journey-Part 1

What happened next was something out of a bad restaurant comedy, or Kitchen Confidential.  He proceeded to open up the box of cigarettes and pulled out a massive doobie and said "No, you smokey smokey?"  Does a bear wear a funny hat?  Does the pope shit in the woods?  Hell fucking yes, I smokey smokey!

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